Saturday, December 31, 2011
The Gamboo3a: Love it or Shove it?
I shan't be diplomatic about this.. I hate them. I literally can't stand those tacky flower clips that hijabis seem to have gone crazy over.
Besides making it look like you have a really abnormal body fat distribution, the thing which I really don't get about the gamboo3a is that it is fairly pointless whichever way you choose to look at it. I mean I presume that women are wearing them in order to tell people - men in particular - that they have masses of luscious hair underneath their scarves. But nobody in their right mind thinks it's hair and men don't find it attractive. They find it weird, like everybody else.
I have never seen a girl make a gamboo3a look good, and I have seen many hijabis use them. It just makes them look 1. really disproportionate and 2. like they are begging for attention, because I for one notice the abnormally huge bun before anything else.
I am not going to get into a religious "Camel hump" debate about this, I personally wouldn't sit hear calling it haram, because by saying that you are basically stating that it is a punishable act. I really don't know about that.
Perhaps I am totally wrong and behind the times and maybe I have completely lost touch with what it means to be stylish and the gamboo3a is actually a fashion breakthrough. And maybe electric cars will actually catch on and Saudi Arabia will make it to the cup final. Maybe.
Hijab in Style
This beautifully crafted shoot is the work of Mila from Viva La Mode. She has an amazing blog, if you like this you’ll love the rest of her work. She’s stunning and lucky enough to have beautiful friends and family to model for her. So creative!
“Yesterday I had photo-shoot with Sabrina, she came earlier at 7 in the morning and the total photos we had until she left at 5 in the afternoon is 1678! Now Sabrina has worn hijab. It makes me want to wear hijab too, insyallah
. So, she wanted to have a photo-shoot in hijab.”
“We’d really like to have outfits in all black, and of course black shades. We’re always be a fan for this style. The white line we had and black eyeliner are from face painting! We are also like to find out inspiration from Hana’s blog. She has amazing style and her blog is really inspiring for the hijab style.”
Beauty Up Close
Islamic style at work
Muslimah style: Abaya over trousers
Smart/ Casual
This abaya I made is actually wrap around at the back, kind of like an apron I guess. But you can do the same with any longish dress. The jacket (also one of my little creations) helps to keep it on the smart side of casual. It’s really interesting that when you use a more contrasting colour for your hijab it becomes much more casual. But when you keep the whole outfit in the same tones it stays sharper and more cohesive.
Islamic style: modest and practical, wrap around abaya over trousers
Abaya Wrap
The last post was all about ultra sharp dressing, but what about if you don’t need to look like you’re going to an interview but still want to look smart? Well, I’ve come up with a few looks that you can adapt to suit you. See what you think…
The outfit to the left is a very useful combination of trousers and abaya. You still get all the movement of trousers and don’t have to worry about showing any leg when you’re running up stairs. To make this work for you just find a long wrap around dress, or wait a few months for the MAYSAA version!
Hijab Top Tips
1. A sharp tailored jacket turns most casual outfits into smart work wear, just be aware of what the outfit underneath looks like if you take your jacket off.
2. Match the outfit to the work. If you’re on you feet all day rushing around then long skirts have a tendency to make you trip up at the most embarrassing moment! Just make sure the length is OK.
3. Always carry safety pins with you. If you need to adjust skirt length then just take an inch of so in from the waistband to make it sit higher on your waist. Cover it over with your top to hide it.
4. If you want to go smart then keep your colour palette to a minimum choose one tone and then work around it. If you want to be more casual then bring in another colour (see the first photo)
And for something simple…
Simple style: Blazer over Abaya
Blazer love
This Outfit couldn’t be simpler, just wear your usual abaya with a tailored jacket or blazer over the top. The one I’m wearing is a gorgeous vintage piece I bought in Venice a long time ago. The abaya was one of the first I ever made. The colour is great sort of a charcoal navy, it goes with everything, wear it with black for Italian chic.
History of Pakistan: One Islamic Outrage After An Other
About Honour Killing: Allah Says It's OK To Kill Your Kids
Verily I Say Unto You, That Boy Has It Written On His Bones That He Is A Kaffar. ... Kill Him!
Uploaded by yabay101 on Dec 31, 2011
"The Deception of Allah"
WordPress To Bare Naked Islam: "You've Got Til Jan. 6th To Get Out Of Dodge
Top 10 Anti-Semitic Slurs For 2011
Simon Weisenthal Centre releases 2011 top anti-Semitic slurs
The Simon Wiesenthal Center, a Jewish human rights NGO (non-governmental organization), recently released their 2011 Top 10 Anti-Semitic slurs. They include statements from politicians, organizations and major people in the arts and film world. Many of the quotes are classic Jewish conspiracy theories as well as anti-Israel statements updated to reflect current anxieties.
"These 10 examples constitute a fraud alert from people who should know better who have crossed the line," said Rabbi Marvin Hier, founder and dean of the Wiesenthal Center.
It should be noted that the list does not include statements by terrorist organizations, the lunatic fringe or the government of Iran. The center wants to dispel the notion that such rants are the exclusive domain of Neo-Nazis and crackpots. However, in some cases the influence of alcohol may have had a contributing role.
The list includes:
- "I come before you today from the Holy Land, the land of Palestine, the land of divine messages, ascension of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and the birthplace of Jesus Christ peace be upon him, to speak on behalf of the Palestinian people..."--Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas at his UN General Assembly address, September 23, 2011. Speaking to the world, Abbas omitted any reference to the Jewish people's connection to the Holy Land. No reference to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, nor King David, King Solomon, or Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel.
- "I would like to see accurate statistics of how many Israelis have been killed by the bombs thrown by Palestinians or with the rockets that were launched by them?.... we know that hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were killed... neither Turkey nor the Muslims in the region have exerted such cruelty on Israel... Israel is inexplicably cruel, against innocent Palestinians, hiding behind the Nazi Holocaust and seeking victimhood....Everybody knows what Israel is about"--Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan during CNN interview with Fareed Zakaria, September 25, 2011.
- "Everything that happens today in the world has to do with the Zionists...American Jews are behind the world economic crisis that has hit Greece also."--"Zorba The Greek" composer, Mikis Theodorakis, winner of the International Music Council-UNESCO International Music Prize, also told Greek TV that he was "anti-Israel and anti-Semitic," February 15, 2011.
- "I love Hitler...People like you would be dead. Your mothers, your forefathers, would all be f****** gassed."--The renowned Christian Dior fashion designer John Galliano was fired and later convicted in a French court for his anti-Semitic rants screamed at Jews in a Paris bar. Galliano later apologized.
- "I understand Hitler... He's not what you would call a good guy, but yeah, I understand much about him and I sympathize with him a little bit. But come on, I'm not for the Second World War, and I'm not against Jews... I am of course, very much for Jews. No, not too much, because Israel is a pain in the ass... I'm very much for Speer. Albert Speer [Hitler's Architect]... He was also maybe one of God's bestchildren... Okay, I'm a Nazi."--Director Lars Von Trier was thrown out of the Cannes Film Festival after this rant, May 18, 2011. He later apologized.
- "[Jews] want that sucker of Syrian blood to remain and continue to prey and suck blood. They not only want their security, but also to enjoy the sight of Syrian blood being spilled.... Asking myself why Jewish support of Bashar [Assad] increased after they saw the rivers of Syrian blood this mass- murderer spilled in Syrian towns, an old image leapt to my mind, of Jews bleeding people and using their bloodto prepare matzas. Logic does not accept this, but the facts prove it."--Syrian writer Osama Al-Malouhi, an opponent of President Bashar Assad, posted on an opposition website, October 26, 2011, The Middle East Media Research Institute.
- "Not all the Jews in the world are evil....The ratio is 60-40. Sixty percent are evil to varying degrees, all the way to a level that words cannot describe, while 40 percent are not evil."--Tawfig Okasha, a presidential candidate in post-Mubarak Egypt added that among the 40% of 'non-evil' Jews there is only one in a million who is blameless and that French President Nicolas Sarkozy is "one of those Jews who adhere to the Zionist of the worst ideologies."--Al-Faraeen TV, October 31, 2011.
- "The source that finances and incites all these international organizations...especially in the Arab world... are led by a single, evil organization, known as Zionism. It is behind all these movements, all these civil wars, and all these evils... Jesus Christ healed the sick among the Jews... and resurrected their dead. [How did they repay him?] They strived to crucify him until he died...Do the people of the opposition [today]... belong to Christianity or to Islam? No. They are deeply rooted in Judaism and in Zionism... Any intelligent person who reads The Protocols of the Elders of Zion will see the extent of its influence on the politics of our region and the world."--George Saliba, Bishop of the Syrian Orthodox Church in Lebanon, Al-Dunya TV, July 24, 2011. The Middle East Media Research Institute.
- "Oppose the moral blackmail of the so-called Holocaust! ["Arbeit macht Frei!"]Truth makes free!"--Hermann Dierkes, leader of the Left Party in Duisburg, Germany, April 2011. Dierkes posted a flyer on the website with a swatiska morphing into a Star of David and called for a boycott of Israeli products, labelling Israel a "rogue state" and a "warmonger." "Arbeit macht Frei!" is inscribed on the gates of Nazi concentration camps including Auschwitz and Dachau.
- "The state of Israel is an illegal, genocidal place... to equate Judaism with the state of Israel is to equate Christianity with [rapper] Flavor Flav."--Rev. Jeremiah Wright in a speech to thousands of people, June 14, 2011, Baltimore, Maryland.
This year, the Wiesenthal Center is asking that members of the public forward on to them the anti-Israel and anti-Semitic slurs that they might hear so that such incidents be exposed and the perpetrators be held accountable. Forward them here.
I Now Pronounce You Horrifically Beaten, Abused and Disfigured
YouTube: Uploaded by YouCruising on Dec 31, 2011
A video given to the BBC shows the extent of the injuries suffered by a 15 year-old Afghan child bride who was locked up and tortured by her husband.
The girl was left starving after being detained by him and his family for several months.
The case came to light this week when police rescued the teenager, Sahar Gul, who had been locked up in the basement of her in-laws' house.
Police say that she had had her nails and clumps of hair pulled out.
In addition they say she had chunks of flesh cut out with pliers.
Sahar Gul was married off to a 30-year-old man around seven months ago, when she was just 14 years old. Her parents contacted police after not being able to see her for several months.
She was rescued from a dark, windowless room in her in-laws' house, according to Baghlan police official Jawid Basharat.
In the video, as Sahar is taken to hospital in a wheelchair, she is asked who beat her. She names her father-in-law, her husband, her sister-in-law, her brother-in-law and her mother-in-law. The 15-year-old says her hair and her nails were pulled out by her mother-in-law.
The authorities in the northern Baghlan province said they were aware of reports that the girl was tortured after she refused to be forced into prostitution, but could not confirm that was the case.
Rahima Zarifi, director of the Women's Affairs Department in Baghlan, said Sahar had been severely tortured, both physically and mentally, and that the psychological scars were likely to endure.
The police have managed to arrest Sahar's in-laws, but her husband had already fled.
Women in many parts of Afghanistan continue to suffer domestic abuse, often at the hands of their own family or in-laws.
Human rights activists worry that the plight of many women here, especially in rural areas, is being sidelined as the international community focuses on its military drawdown, and puts less emphasis and less pressure on the Afghan authorities over human rights.
In the second quarter of this year alone, the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission registered 1,026 cases of violence against women, compared with a total last year of 2,700.
Those are only the cases that come to light.
Under Afghan law, the earliest age for marriage for girls is 16. However, almost half of Afghan women are married when they are younger.
The girl was left starving after being detained by him and his family for several months.
The case came to light this week when police rescued the teenager, Sahar Gul, who had been locked up in the basement of her in-laws' house.
Police say that she had had her nails and clumps of hair pulled out.
In addition they say she had chunks of flesh cut out with pliers.
Sahar Gul was married off to a 30-year-old man around seven months ago, when she was just 14 years old. Her parents contacted police after not being able to see her for several months.
She was rescued from a dark, windowless room in her in-laws' house, according to Baghlan police official Jawid Basharat.
In the video, as Sahar is taken to hospital in a wheelchair, she is asked who beat her. She names her father-in-law, her husband, her sister-in-law, her brother-in-law and her mother-in-law. The 15-year-old says her hair and her nails were pulled out by her mother-in-law.
The authorities in the northern Baghlan province said they were aware of reports that the girl was tortured after she refused to be forced into prostitution, but could not confirm that was the case.
Rahima Zarifi, director of the Women's Affairs Department in Baghlan, said Sahar had been severely tortured, both physically and mentally, and that the psychological scars were likely to endure.
The police have managed to arrest Sahar's in-laws, but her husband had already fled.
Women in many parts of Afghanistan continue to suffer domestic abuse, often at the hands of their own family or in-laws.
Human rights activists worry that the plight of many women here, especially in rural areas, is being sidelined as the international community focuses on its military drawdown, and puts less emphasis and less pressure on the Afghan authorities over human rights.
In the second quarter of this year alone, the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission registered 1,026 cases of violence against women, compared with a total last year of 2,700.
Those are only the cases that come to light.
Under Afghan law, the earliest age for marriage for girls is 16. However, almost half of Afghan women are married when they are younger.
Pakistani Suicide Bomber Brings In New Year With A Blast
QUETTA - At least nine tribesmen were killed and some 35 others were injured when a Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) suicide bomber rammed his explosives-laden car into the house of a Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid (PML-Q) central leader here on Friday.
Police said a car carrying explosives struck the main gate of a house owned by Mir Shafiq-ur-Rahman Mengal on Arbab Karam Khan Road. Shafiq-ur-Rehman is the son of Mir Naseer Mengal, former Balochistan chief minister and a former federal minister from the PML-Q. The car was blown to pieces, killing and injuring a number of armed tribesmen guarding the house. Mengal, who was inside the house, remained safe. Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Operations Nazir Ahmad Kurd told Pakistan Today that at least nine people were killed and more than 35 were wounded. He said it was yet to be determined how many among the dead and wounded were passersby, but police had begun investigation and would be in a position to make a definite comment soon. There is still some doubt whether the attack was a suicide blast or the attackers parked the vehicle in front of the gate of the house and detonated it via remote from a distance. Although the BLA, a banned outfit, claimed it was a suicide attack, the police was unable to say anything conclusive until investigations came to a close. A spokesman for the BLA who identified himself as Meerak Baloch called a TV channel and a foreign radio service and claimed that it was a suicide attack on the house of Baloch “traitor” Shafiq Mengal, who was the prime target of the attack. He also claimed that the suicide attack was conducted by the Majid Shaheed brigade of the BLA and such attacks would be continued against traitors, Chinese engineers involved in various projects and the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project, which runs through Balochistan. The explosion was so massive that it was heard far and wide in the city and windows and glass doors of dozens of buildings in locality were shattered. After the blast, the gas pipeline supplying gas to the house was broken and caught fire. Some 14 vehicles were damaged or completely destroyed as a result of the blast.
After the blast, armed tribesmen took over the street and did not allow anyone to pass through. The guards reportedly opened fire and gunshots rang out at the scene for up to half an hour, but it was unclear who they were shooting at. Reporters rushed to the site to cover the incident, but the guards did not permit them to enter the street. The cameraman of a private TV channel was badly beaten up and a photographer was wounded by firing in the chaotic aftermath of the blast, and their equipment was smashed. Both were admitted to Civil Hospital for their injuries. The injured tribesmen were first taken to Civil Hospital but were later moved to Combined Military Hospital for better treatment.
Fair Is Fair: You Post 1 Cartoon Of Mohammed on Facebook and We Burn Your House (and All Of Your Neighbour's Houses Too)
Drawing of Prophet Muhammad leads to Coptic homes burned Egypt
The homes of Coptic Christians in southern Egypt have been burned in a display of enraged violence by outraged Muslims. Violence broke out following a drawing of the Prophet Muhammad being posted online by a Christian student.
Sectarian violence erupted in the Egyptian province of Assiut after a Christian student posted a drawing of the Prophet Muhammad on his Facebook page. According to the Washington Post the drawing depicted the prophet with four women seeking his hand in marriage.
Naharnet reported that police arrested the Christian student responsible for posting the drawing on Thursday, after dozens of Muslims stormed his house. His arrest did not appease the Muslims that were riled to violence by the image. They proceeded to set fire to a shop belonging to the student's father before turning their attention to burning seven houses belonging to Coptic Christians. Five members of the police were injured in the ensuing violence.
Ironically, when Muslims react violently to images of the prophet it results in further dissemination of such images. Any images of the prophet are considered blasphemous within Islam and this latest depiction resulted in the inevitable violence which has ensued on previous occasions when images and cartoons of the prophet have been circulated.
Policymic explains that the reason why images of Prophet Muhammad are forbidden in Islam is they "could lead Muslims to worship the man instead of the Creator."
Whilst those who practice Islam may find the images offensive, the circulation of such images by others is perceived as a cornerstone of free speech. There is no necessity for the scenes of such intolerant violence, yet they have become as inevitable as the fatwas which generally follow.
This latest outburst of sectarian violence further destabilizes relations between Coptic's and Muslims in Egypt. Already prepared to expect violence against the Copts during the Coptic Christmas and New Year, the army had promised extra security precautions around Coptic churches on Jan. 7.
Naharnet reported that police arrested the Christian student responsible for posting the drawing on Thursday, after dozens of Muslims stormed his house. His arrest did not appease the Muslims that were riled to violence by the image. They proceeded to set fire to a shop belonging to the student's father before turning their attention to burning seven houses belonging to Coptic Christians. Five members of the police were injured in the ensuing violence.
Ironically, when Muslims react violently to images of the prophet it results in further dissemination of such images. Any images of the prophet are considered blasphemous within Islam and this latest depiction resulted in the inevitable violence which has ensued on previous occasions when images and cartoons of the prophet have been circulated.
Policymic explains that the reason why images of Prophet Muhammad are forbidden in Islam is they "could lead Muslims to worship the man instead of the Creator."
Whilst those who practice Islam may find the images offensive, the circulation of such images by others is perceived as a cornerstone of free speech. There is no necessity for the scenes of such intolerant violence, yet they have become as inevitable as the fatwas which generally follow.
This latest outburst of sectarian violence further destabilizes relations between Coptic's and Muslims in Egypt. Already prepared to expect violence against the Copts during the Coptic Christmas and New Year, the army had promised extra security precautions around Coptic churches on Jan. 7.
Vivre le France Libre
France Adopts Tougher Citizenship Rules
PARIS - Foreigners trying to become French citizens would be facing harder procedures as of next January under new rules drawn by Interior Minister Claude Guéant, including tougher language tests and allegiance to “French values.”
“Becoming French is not a mere administrative step. It is a decision that requires a lot of thought”, reads the charter, drafted by France’s High Council for Integration (HCI) and cited by France 24 on Friday, December 30.
The charter also suggests that by taking on French citizenship, “applicants will no longer be able to claim allegiance to another country while on French soil”, although dual nationality will still be allowed.
Coming into force as of January 1, the rules drawn up by Interior Minister Guéant, include new tougher tests.
Candidates will be tested on French culture and history, and will have to prove their French language skills are equivalent to those of a 15-year-old mother tongue speaker.
They will also be required to sign a new charter establishing their rights and responsibilities.
Guéant, a member of President Nicolas Sarkozy’s ruling UMP party, described the process as “a solemn occasion between the host nation and the applicant.”
He added that migrants should be integrated through language and “an adherence to the principals, values and symbols of our democracy”.
In comments seen as targeting the Muslim applicants, who make up the majority of the 100,000 new French citizens admitted each year, Guéant stressed the importance of the secular state and equality between women and men.
France’s interior minister has made it clear that immigrants who refuse to “assimilate” into French society should be denied French citizenship.
Other proposals put forward by the ruling UMP party said that non-French children who would normally be naturalized at the age of 18 (those who are born in the country and have spent most of their childhood there) would instead have to formally apply to the state.
Under such amendments, analysts predict a return to an immigration stance in 1993 Charles Pasqua, then France’s interior minister.
Pasqua, who coined the slogan “zero immigration”, introduced a bill that made it virtually impossible for children born in France to non-French parents to be naturalized.
Far Right Effect
The new citizenship rules were seen as appealing to far-right voters, amid other efforts by the French government to secure a second term for President Nicolas Sarkozy in 2012.
Guéant’s stance as “the election strategy of a right wing ready to do anything in order to hold on to power,” François Hollande, the Socialist Party’s candidate in forthcoming presidential elections, said.
Hollande added that his own party would tackle all criminals “irrespective of their nationality”.
In France, President Nicolas Sarkozy, whose popularity has plummeted over climbing unemployment and painful spending cuts, have worked hard to court the far-right supporters of Jean-Marie Le Pen.
Along with the niqab ban, Sarkozy’s ruling Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) party started a debate last April on the role of Islam in secular France.
Despite Guéant moves against immigrants, the far-right National Front party (FN) continued to bite into its pool of voters.
Marine Le Pen, the leader of the anti-immigration FN, has been campaigning in favor of a ban on dual citizenship in France, which she blames for encouraging immigration and weakening French values.
Guéant has stopped short of calling for a ban on dual nationality, largely because of the legal difficulties such a move would entail.
But the interior minister has taken a hard line on immigration, announcing plans to reduce the number of legal immigrants coming to France annually from 200,000 to 180,000 and calling for those convicted of felony to be expelled from the country.
The anti-immigrants moves were not the first by the French government.
Earlier this year, Guéant intervened personally to ensure an Algerian-born man living in France was denied French nationality because of his “degrading attitude” to his French wife.
That followed an earlier push by France’s former Immigration Minister Eric Besson to revise existing laws in order to strip polygamists of their acquired citizenship.
Last February, 2010, the French government decided to deny the nationality to a Muslim man over allegations that he has forced his French wife to wear the face-veil.
In 2008, a court denied a veiled Muslim woman the nationality for being "too submissive" to her husband and that her religious rituals were "incompatible" with French values.
Related Links:
Man Denied French Citizenship for Wife BurqaMuslims Can Wear Niqab on Plane, Not Land
French Senate Allows Foreigners to Vote
“No-Burqa” Contract For French Immigrants
Sarkozy Swerve to Right Stirs Defections
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